
Pneumatic carbon steel ball valve

Column:Media Focus Time:2015-01-06

Pneumatic ball valves can be closed tightly with only 90 degrees rotation of air source with pneumatic actuator and very small rotating moment. Fully equal body chamber provides a direct passage with little resistance to the medium. It is generally believed that the ball valve is the most suitable for opening and closing directly, but in recent development, the ball valve has been designed to throttle and control the flow. The main characteristics of the ball valve are compact structure, easy operation and maintenance, suitable for water, solvents, acids and natural gas and other general working media, but also suitable for medium with poor working conditions, such as oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, methane and ethylene. Ball valve body can be integral or combined.

The working principle of pneumatic ball valve is to make the valve unblocked or blocked by rotating the spool. Pneumatic ball valve switch is light, small, can be made into a large caliber, reliable seal, simple structure, easy maintenance, sealing surface and sphere are often in closed state, not easy to be eroded by media, widely used in various industries.


Pneumatic carbon steel ball valve


Pneumatic carbon steel ball valve

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